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Code of Conduct and Ethics

The motto that guides Facobil is based on business ethics and its sustainability in its economic, social and environmental aspects and is only possible with the commitment to ethical and transparent management.

Facobil's management assumes responsibility for complying with the principles set out in this code, and is responsible for guaranteeing the necessary conditions so that everyone who works with us can adopt them in the exercise of their functions. It is for him that we are governed, its application is not an option, it is a commitment on the part of each one of us, as a guarantee of safeguarding the value for all interested parties.

The future depends on what each of us is willing to commit to at any given moment.

We are sure that ethics is everyone's commitment, which will take us further.



Facobil's code of ethics and conduct defines the minimum requirements for ethical and responsible behavior that must be observed in the course of its activity, firmly based on respect for human and labor rights.


1-Forced Labor

The use of any type of forced or involuntary labor is not allowed, as well as requiring its workers any type of “deposits” or retaining their identification documents.

2 - Child Labor

The use of child labor is not permitted. The minimum age for admission is 16 years old and has completed the minimum compulsory education (except for exceptions provided for by law).

3 - Principle of Legality

Workers must act in accordance with constitutional principles and with law and law, as well as in harmony with the legitimate instructions of hierarchical superiors.

4 - Principle of Justice and Impartiality

Workers must act with fairness, impartiality and exemption, preventing arbitrary practices or decisions and behaviors that result in unlawful benefits or losses.

5 - Principle of Equality

All employees are treated with dignity and respect. No discriminatory behavior in relation to work practices, remuneration, access to training and hiring based on race, nationality, religion, disability, sex, age, sexual orientation, political association or affiliation, or any other situation will be allowed.

6 - Principle of Collaboration and Good Faith

Workers must act with zeal and an appropriate spirit of cooperation and responsibility, informing and clarifying those involved in the matter in a respectful, clear and simple manner, stimulating initiatives, suggestions and preserving the values ​​of transparency and openness in the personal relationship, regardless of their hierarchical position.

7 - Principle of Loyalty

Workers must develop the tasks and instructions assigned to them in a cooperative manner.

8 - Principle of Integrity

Workers must act according to criteria of rectitude and honesty in the respect of the public interest they represent, refraining from situations likely to give rise to conflicts of interest, in order to guarantee the veracity and confidence in the work performed.

9 - Competence and Responsibility

Employees must act in a responsible and competent, dedicated and critical manner, committing themselves to professional valorisation and carrying out their daily activity with an honest and highly professional behavior.

10 - Professional secrecy

Employees must act with discretion, comply with the general duty of professional secrecy imposed in external relations, with regard to the availability of privileged information.

11 - Health and Safety at Work

Guarantee its employees a safe and healthy work environment, complying with the legal and regulatory precepts applicable to this matter. They must promote good health and safety practices to prevent accidents and risks to the health of workers. Workers must have access to hygienic toilets and portable water.

12 - Freedom of association

Respect the right of workers to associate, organize or negotiate collectively, without suffering any type of sanction.

13 - Hours of Work

Comply with applicable legislation and the rules of the textile sector regarding hours of work.

14 - Remuneration

The national minimum wage must be guaranteed to all workers, as well as the payment of overtime under legally defined terms. It is not permitted to make wage reductions other than those legally permitted. Salaries must be paid monthly until the last day of the month or exceptionally until the 3rd.

15 - Environment

All manufacturing activity will be carried out with respect for the environment, in compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory standards and adopting the necessary measures to reduce and compensate for their impact.

16 - Internal Relations

In compliance with the principles of respect for integrity and honesty, Facobil employees must:

  • Comply with the instructions of their superiors;

  • To act for the motivation of the increase of the productivity, for the involvement and participation, collaborating proactively, ensuring effectiveness, rigor and quality in the performance of its functions;

  • Maintain and foster good relationships with all colleagues and people with whom they interact in the exercise of their duties;

  • In view of internal problems, take a constructive stance in solving them, showing openness to criticism and other people's points of view with a view to improving processes and service.

  • Cooperate in the maintenance and preservation of the workspace avoiding disturbances in the work productivity of colleagues who share the respective space.

  • Ensure the conservation of Facobil's heritage, namely in the use of common spaces, and guarantee the good use of the resources available for the performance of its function, reducing the administration costs resulting from its action and maximizing the quality of the results achieved.

17- Prevention of moral and / or sexual harassment

Moral harassment is an extreme process of harassment of the work environment and is defined as any abusive and / or unwanted behavior (such as gestures, words, attitudes or behavior), in a systematic way, practiced by colleagues and / or bosses, with the in order to intimidate and affect a person's dignity, psychological or physical integrity, to create a hostile, degrading, humiliating and destabilizing work environment or to decrease self-esteem in order, in the end, to lead to their removal from the workplace.

Sexual harassment is any unwanted behavior of a sexual nature, in verbal, non-verbal or physical form, with the aim or effect of disturbing or embarrassing the person, affecting his dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and destabilizing. It can occur through acts, insinuations, forced physical contacts and naughty invitations in order to gain sexual advantage or favor.

So, we should all:

  • not tolerate any form of moral, sexual or psychological harassment, verbal or physical conduct of humiliation, coercion or threat;

  • listening to the other and respecting him / her, even when there are disagreements, building relationships where all people have space to express themselves without offense;

  • promote healthy work environments, not creating or tolerating offensive, intimidating or hostile behaviors, which may characterize situations of embarrassment, disrespect, abuse of power or harassment.

18 - Privacy and protection of personal data

We commit ourselves to carefully comply with the Laws, Procedures and Ethical Standards in terms of privacy and protection of personal data, guaranteeing the rights and duties that arise for our governing bodies and employees.

19- Other Socially Responsible Practices

Facobil fully subscribes to the guiding principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) on Human Rights and Labor. It is your wish to be a good example in terms of good practices in these two areas in the development of your activity. In terms of Regulation and Legislation, Facobil scrupulously complies with the provisions of the Labor Code, approved by Law 7/2009 of 12 February and other legislation regulating relations and working conditions.



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